
Friday, January 14, 2011

Seed Starting and Hand-Knit Scarf

Today has been a really good day. Look what came in the mail!!  I got the most wonderful surprise today.  A package came in the mail from across the pond. It was mailed last month and arrived today.  Can you believe it took almost exactly a month to get here?  Wow!  My friend Half-Pint from the prepper chat room sent me a beautiful hand-knitted scarf for my birthday!  (grrrrr  they keep coming faster and faster) Thank you so very very much.  I just love it. He is my inspiration for getting better at knitting.  Mushroom taught him on line!  I figure if he can do it like that, then I have no excuse not to be able to since I have a teacher right here!!
I am already really tired of winter. I can't imagine what it is like to have to live farther north.  Hats off to all of you who have to deal with all that snow and ice. Listening to the weather yesterday I learned that we are now officially in "the dead of winter". Apparently the dead of winter is from the 10th of January to the 10th of February.  Joy Joy!  This time of year is hard on me.  I don't like being stuck indoors, I HATE  can't stand the cold. My body doesn't like it either! I know, I know.  Suck it up and deal with it!  It can't be over soon enough for me.  Ok, I'm done with the fussing for now. 
I've been looking for things to keep myself occupied while waiting for spring. The seed catalog's are coming in almost daily now. I love looking through them. In addition to listing the seeds, many of them toss in all sorts of interesting information.Great reading for "throne" times.  I also found a great garden growing guide for our area. According to it, it is finally time (within the next couple of weeks) to start planting some of the seeds!! Once more I will try my hand at growing herbs.  Heck, I'm going to keep trying until I get it right!!

I need to get some more cauliflower seed so we can get them started.  We had just a few cauliflower and broccoli seeds left and Mars started them a couple of days ago. I'm interested in seeing how it will do. The guide says the time is right to be able to start the cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage from seed now.  I'm SO excited!!.  It means that the countdown to the end of winter can be started now!  It won't be much longer till we can start lots more stuff.  YaY!

My daughter asked me awhile back to write an article on growing food in small places. I've been working on it and hope to finish it soon.  I'm kind of excited about it really.There is so much you can grow, even if you don't have much room to do it. One thing that I would suggest is to start rounding up some containers right now.  It is something you can be doing while you are waiting for it to get warm enough to start planting.  5 gallon buckets are good for many kinds of plants.  Hanging baskets and larger flower pots will work too. It's also a good time to start making a list of the things you would like to grow.   You would be amazed at what all you can plant in containers! 

                        ~~~ Hey ...  I'm Just Sayin'  ~~~


  1. Beautiful scarf! And thank you for the dog treats recipe. You can repost my article, SFChick! Don't know if you saw my message. ~ Cin

  2. Hold on, Winter is almost over. Where I live, everyone plants their potatoes in the middle of Feb. around Valentines day.

  3. My seeds havnt come in yet,anytime I hope! I need to get started too,I am following your blog, have been for a while,you are welcome to follow mine as well thanks,Blessings jane

  4. Happy Birthday, my dear friend. ((Sci))

    Half-Pint did a beautiful job on that scarf! I love the color and pattern that he chose to go with. I know it will help to keep ya warm. :) Kinda cool how he timed it just right so that it would arrive on your B-Day. :D

    Have a great day!
    PS. Half-Pint, if you read this, here is a hug for you too! ((H-P)) awesome job on the scarf.

  5. Happy bday, sorry the scarf didn't arrive in time for Christmas(I did get it in the post in time), glad you got it for your birthday though. Have a great day.

    thanks fel, not seen you in awhile hope you ok.

  6. Wow! Half Pint did a great job!!!!!! Nice present for your birthday. Happy Birthday!
