
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter Blues

I am having withdrawals. I need sunshine, crave it really. I'm not a big fan of winter. I never have been and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Winter is honestly my least favorite season of the year. Of course it would be easier to take though if the sun would shine more than it doesn't shine.  This is my very first "whole" winter living this far to the north.  Hey, stop laughing! I'm from Texas where there are really only two seasons.  Summer and Almost Summer. This ol gal isn't used to it getting cold and staying that way for a few MONTHS.

  In the classic movie "A Christmas Story"  Ralphie's little brother Randy is bundled up in sweaters and snow gear so deeply he can barely move much less walk.  That's ME. I have spent the last few weeks  or so learning the finer art of layering. I get cold easy. Oh and did I mention....  I NEED SUNSHINE!! ( which means fewer layers)  I finished up the scarf that I had been working on and have been wearing it every day! And here I thought I wouldn't have it finished before spring! Right now I'm working on another hat and I have plans for making another scarf too. I'm pretty sure it won't be finished in time to  wear it this winter but....
  I was reminded that when we move to Arkansas the weather will be just about like it is here. It gives me an idea of what to expect. I think I'm going to be needing some long johns. I am already dreaming of springtime and Sunshine and its not quite January yet!  I would rather think of it like this...   Only a few more weeks of winter.  Spring will be here before too long now!

Before the dreaded winter season I was  talking with a friend about some different ways to make a little extra money.  One of the ideas we came up with is to grow "starter" plants for those folks who don't want to start their veggies from seed. Tomato and pepper plants for sure.  Maybe a few others, but we haven't really decided on what those might be yet. Does anyone have any thoughts on what you think might be good for "starter" veggies?  

I was thinking that we could sell them at some of the little Flea Markets they have around here. I would like to  try and sell some homemade soap as well.  And then there are the birdhouses Mars has been messing around with.  He has 6-7of them ready to be "decorated" right now and materials on hand for at least twice that many more.  They are made from pallets we picked up for free. Here is the Backwoods article he got the idea from.  Isn't that just too cute??  Oh and if anyone has any ideas for little "signs"or other decorating ideas for the birdhouses, please feel free to leave them in the comments.  It looks like most of the "decorating" is being left up to me and I could use all the help I can get.
                      ~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~


  1. Sci~
    What about yellow squash as a starter plant. I swear those dang plants are virtually indestructible, plus mine grew very easy and I didn't kill 'em, that's a plus. :D

    Now as for the weather, I love the winter, it's easier to layer to stay warm than it is to stay cool, I can't just go runnin' around in the birthday suit. ;)


  2. Herbs seem to be a good seller in our area. Flowers as well.

    Take D3 and the lack of sunshine won't be so bad. I usually get seasonal depression from lack of sunlight, but since take 5,000mg once daily of D3 I haven't suffered any this winter( so far anyway)

    The bird houses are cute, how about a chicken coop style, maybe with a sign( Warning, No Fox welcome) Maybe offer to personlize them with a sign with the family name or name of their farm.
    Hope this helps you some.

    Blessings and we'll pray for sunshine for ya,

  3. I agree with the D3 and a fullspectrum light will help. If you can bundle up and are out of the wind get some natural sunshine, it will help.
    Go with the herbs. I got some really cute pots at the dollar store that fit great on a window ledge. Basil, sage and oregeno are hardy and I like chives as well. Plus seeing something green and growing always boosts my spirits.

  4. Don't want to be a downer - but before you begin growing starter plants to sell - check the local and state regulations. Yes, I know, it's a pain but some states are very strict due to infestations of crop killing bugs, blights, etc and also to prevent invasive plants from being introduced.

    Otherwise, tomatoes esp. heirloom and container sized, peppers esp small sweet ones, herbs, and greens - lettuces in both green and red, chard esp the multicolored ones. As more people are growing veggies within their landscapes they are looking for edible decoratives - at least that's what's happening according to our landscaper/mower.

    Birdhouses - decorate according to house styles like farmhouse, cottage, etc; personalized with family name; incorporated into planters; added to homemade wreaths; decorated according to seasons or holidays.

  5. I do understand cold winters. I grew up in West Virginia in the mountains but now live in Oklahoma. The summers here can be brutal, but I love the winters! Today it hit the mid sixties!

  6. Thanks to everyone for all the great ideas! You guys ROCK!
