
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday Stuff

I apologize for the lack of posts since my rant. I have had a headache for three days running. Unusual for me as I don't generally get headaches. Anyway, its had me feeling a bit yucky and not in the mood for doing too much of anything. Today it seems to be a bit better though.

The sun is finally out too. I think it might actually quit raining today! It's been wet here for days. At least the temps here have been nice. We haven't had the horrible heat that most of the rest of the country has been experiencing. For that I am quite grateful. Of course the mosquito's are out in full force though! They aren't as big as Texas skeeters but you couldn't tell it from the welts they leave...

I have to wonder sometimes at the skills (or lack of said skills) at the US Post Office. I put in for a change of address a couple of weeks ago. After not receiving ANY mail since then I finally called the "ex" post office to inquire as to why. Now just so you know, this is a very small post office with only two employees. They know everyone in town (and country) and when you go in to check your mail you don't even have to actually open your box. They will just walk straight to your box and retreive it for you! No asking your name or box number either. Like I said.... small post office. Anyway, I called and asked about my mail. She at first said they would have to wait for the "change of address" form. "Well how long does that take?" I wanted to know, as it had already been well over a week. Well low and behold right there before her eyes appeared that danged old pesky form. She gathered all my mail and popped it in an envelope and....TA DAAAA.... The next day it showed up here! (Thanks Mom, I got your card :D ) And to think these are the same folks that are now demanding another rate increase for the USPS.   (chanting.... I will NOT rant ...I will NOT rant)

Bud (Mushroom's hubby) did the nicest thing right out of the blue the other day. He is an air gun afficinado (sp) and does custom builds and such. He has been doing it for years now. Mars had shown him his Chinese air rifle a couple of days before. Well he walks out of his "mancave" and hands Mars a really nice Benjamin Sheridan .177 air rifle with a Tasco Milidot scope. He said something to the effect that Chinese was ok but American Made can't be beat. Can you believe it? How neat was that! Out of the blue he gave it to him. So Mars has been playing with it in between rain showers getting the scope sighted in. The rain has stopped now so we are going to be doing some shooting this afternoon!

Also, in recognition of the freaking rain finally stopping we are going to celebrate by firing up the little pit and grilling some burgers. One of my all-time favorite ways to have food cooked is on the grill. Yummy!!!

So what are YOU doing this weekend?


  1. Benjamins are the best to have from a "fix-it" point of view. Easy to work on and parts are easy to get. It ought to be pretty darn accurate too. Just keep the seals oiled and don't let them dry out. It'll be a great little squirrel and rabbit getter.

  2. Sounds like you are having a great weekend. How bout sending some of that rain this way. We are cooking. The 80's never reached us and its still hot and humid with no rain. Yes, I am ranting LOL I want cold weather with lots and lots of snow.

  3. How awesome is that gun. Bud and Mush seem like fantastic people. Hard to believe there are still great people like that out there. Tell her I never had a mom and I'm up for adoption. LOL

    As for the weekend, the hubby is home for the weekend and building some shelves for me and I'm canning beets. Hoping to get 30-40 pints, if I can keep from eating them all. I am so glad you both are in a better place.

  4. Sounds like you are going to have an amazing weekend, my friend. :)

    How great are Bud & Mushroom? she really is a great lady, Sci, just like you said. :)

    She helped me get over my feeling sorry for myself mood a few nights back in the chat room; when I felt like everybody was leaving their blogs and disappearing. Now I am all better :) Hugs for Mush.

    and hugs for you too, I hope your weekend continues to go great!

    (this comment is so grammatically incorrect, but I don't care. LOL!)

  5. I've been canning tomatoes this weekend. I am going to go see MMpaints soon and pickup some blackberries she has for me! All is well here and I am counting down days till retirement. Hope you find a place of your own soon. FK
