
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Learn To Knit?

I have decided to try and learn to knit.  It seems like it would be a good skill to learn and to know.  I've also discovered that it's pretty enjoyable. My first project was supposed to be a washcloth.  As you can see from the picture it is probably the most unique washcloth anyone have ever seen!  It looks more like a leaf, or maybe an arrowhead. Or maybe I can hang it on the wall and call it abstract art?  Whatever it is... I made it!  From start to finish. With all its flaws and imperfections. 

 My friend Mushroom is an awesome knitter and has volunteered to teach me.  How could I pass that opportunity up? Learning a new skill of any kind is valuable.  I hope one day to actually advance to making socks. For now though I'm going to keep it pretty simple until I can get the hang of it. Who knows, I may even knit a sweater one day!  The project I am working on now is tentatively going to be called a pot holder.  What it really is is an exercise in learning a new stitch with the yarn left from my "thingamabob".

I decided that a new skill would be a good thing. Any time you have the chance to learn a new one you might as well just go for it.  You can't know to much about how to do things for yourself right?  Right now I have the time and the good fortune to have an experienced teacher so show me the ropes.  What better time is there than right now!

So here's my question for you guys...Are you learning a new skill at the moment? If so, what are you working on?  Is there something that you would like to learn to do or to make?   If there is, what better time than right now to get started!


  1. Good for you!! I love to's very relaxing to me. I knitted 30+ dishcloths last winter. Do you crochette too?

  2. Oh that is precious...I agree with you in learning new things...You go girl!! I knit and crochet and I like crocheting better...I have to many distractions in order to knit something. Have fun knitting...Lisa

  3. Good for you! Once you get the hang of it I think you'll find it quite relaxing. This week I learned some more jewelry making skills. Woo-hoo! Now if I could only sell the stuff.

  4. I used to knit and crochet when I was a kid. My mom could knit beautifully. But I never got good enough at knitting to really enjoy it, crocheting is more my speed. I guess I'm a one needle kind of gal. I haven't made anything in years though, don't even think I own a crochet hook anymore. Maybe I'll take it up again. Yeah, right my SPARE time, huh?

  5. I'm gonna go with the abstract art ;)

    Nope, no new skills at this end. I probably should re-hone some of the old ones though.

    Just keep practcing, Sci, it'll get better :)


  6. I love your FO (finished object) ;)! I'm not a very good knitter, but I can do squares, and with squares I make all sorts of things, including slippers and blankets, and I could probably figure out how to make a funky, boxy sweater with my limited knitting skill, too. It's a very practical skill, and it's good that you're learning it.

    My next "to learn" project is how to sharpen my knife, and we're taking a class on that in August. Other than that, it's just more of a honing of skills we've been learning (like gardening, food preservation, foraging, etc), than it is learning a new skill.

    Although ... I am learning to play the guitar, although I've been learning for almost a decade now, and I still only know, like three cords, and only one song ;).

  7. I keep saying I want to learn how to knit. But, it's hard to try and learn from a book. I need a REAL teacher. Good luck!
