
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Can You Say Screwed?

Well things certainly have a way of going to hell in a handbasket pretty quickly.  Because I wrote something that our host considered offensive on my last garden update on Monday we have been asked to vacate the property by the first of the week.  We have no destination, as we had no idea we would be kicked out on such short notice.  We are also less than $300.00 from being destitute. I don't know what we are going to do. 

We had thought that we could have made another six weeks or so with that money as we haven't had many expenses since being here.    But to have to pack up and find another place to live, and the cost of fuel to move the trailer we are pretty much screwed.  I just don't know what we are going to do.  I can't even make phone calls (Skype)  as they have shut off our internet access.

I hope to hear from Social Security within the next couple of weeks concerning my approval.  I have an appointment for a blood test on Tuesday.  I have to drive 130 miles to go have it done.  Great system we have here right? After that it shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to get an answer from Social Security as to my acceptance.  Until then... I just don't know what we will do.

Sorry about the comment moderation... but for now it seems a necessary evil.

I am now limited to wi-fi hot spots and the library so I don't know how often I will be able to post.  Prayers and good thoughts in our direction would be greatly appreciated right now.


  1. Scifi, you can come park on my place.

  2. I think I know exactly what they didn't like.Was it when you mentioned the squash that you had not been offered? If that was it then it's time to move on. Find a campground and set up there until things get going. Remember what I always say "things happen for a reason". It will be o k just push on!!

  3. Wow...this is an awful turn of events! I sent you a message on facebook---try some of those things. There are laws in Oklahoma which prevent eviction with that little notice---even if you were "working for your keep". Last time I rented in Oklahoma...about 8-9 years ago, the minimum was 30 days....and you could stretch that out if you had a good judge.
    Yup, just IS 30 days:
    Stand your ground! Be reasonable, but be firm. The law says THIRTY DAYS. Make sure your landlord knows this!

  4. Are you serious??? WTF? That's just a couple of days away. This just sickens me. Do you have a paypal account? Maybe we could all chip in a few bucks to help you over this hump?

  5. Touchy buggers ain't they?! Sheesh... That's why I want MY OWN land. I hope everything works out for y'all.

  6. I am so sorry you are being forced to move. I wondered why you couldn't have some of the veggies from their garden since your husband helped. We have a small farm but would LOVE to have you here. We sure could use the help of your husband with the gardens and animals. We are looking for someone and do pay a small salary as well as provide veggies, eggs, soon goat milk,etc. Its hot here in eastern NC but there is always a spot for your camper here for as long or as little as you want to stay.

  7. Did you try to talk to the host to see if you could fix the problem? Or are they so upset nothing will work?

  8. Wow, what ever happened to free speech? And what the heck did you say to offend? Thoughts and prayers with you? Absolutely!

  9. Sorry to hear about your predicament. Have you checked out Sawyer RV Park in Sawyer, OK? It got 2 very good reviews on the internet. Maybe that's a place you could park yourselves while you figure out what to do next. Rates seem to be very reasonable. http://sawyerrvpark

  10. That really sucks. I guess I probably don't have to tell you that though. I really hope things turn out for the better real soon. I could'nt see many reasons why they should take a offence in your blogs, but I guess maybe it don't take much for some. Good luck to you guys.

  11. I read your post this weekend and hope this mess all works out. Sorry to hear about the bad break. Good luck and I'm praying for you.


  12. When I first saw this, comments were turned off, so I didn't try to leave one. I did sent you an email though. I hope things work out for you guys. You need your own place. Did you find a campsite near your blood work appointment?

  13. I want to thank each and every one of you for your kind words and comments. We are still trying to figure things out. Another thing that I didn't mention but Peggy picked up on was that now Mars is out of work. So we are trying to figure things out.
    Thanks again folks, your support means more than you know to me.

  14. Our prayers are with you. Keep us updated.

  15. I have to agree with Mayberry, they are a bit thin skinned. Mamma always said, 'what goes around comes around.' I hope, no, I KNOW it will work out for the best for you. Things always happen for a reason.

  16. This seems like something so petty that got out of control. If it's the comments on your blog, that is really petty, considering that they started this on their blog about the bunnies. I hope there is a way you all can patch this up and move on. If you do have paypal account, let your readers know and we can help you.

  17. Good luck, and God Bless. They say everything happens for a reason.

    See Ya
