
Monday, May 17, 2010

Sheeple To The Nth Degree

If you never believed that there are people out there who are so brainwashed that they believe Obama personally pays their welfare checks to them check out this clip. This takes sheeple to a whole new level.. OMG  I cannot even begin to tell you how this type of thinking just blows me away.   Our public school system cranks them out daily apparently.  With this sort of  thinking it is no wonder the state of Our Beloved country is under attack.  This is what the  PTB strive for... this level of ignorance?  Well it certainly worked in this case!


  1. Now I know I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but WTF! I knew they were out there,but to actually hear it coming over a broadcast...
    unfrikin' believable. I guess some people really are that stupid.

    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
    -Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. It's people like that who electing our gov. Now THAT is scary!

  3. I just played that for my husband and daughter....I thought my daughter was going to need to be scraped off the floor she was laughing so hard. She said she doesn't know how someone that stupid can survive in life.

  4. You've got me super curious now, but I'll have to wait to get off work to see this.

  5. WTF? That IS scary. LOL..."Deep Pockets" Obama

  6. ... you just dragged me into Hell, Jo.

    Very sad.

  7. I am picking my jaw up off the ground..Did I really hear that? Is this really true?? You have got to be kidding? Oh my goodness..Lisa
