
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This and That

Imagine this Texas Girl's surprise on Sunday morning to wake up to a few inches of snow on the ground!  It snowed all day too.  Beautiful!  Not having grown up around snow it was a treat.The next day the snow was gone and the sun was out! That being said- I couldn't bear to live with snow   all winter long.  There is a reason for living in the Southern part of the United States!  Hats off to all of you who do it year in and year out. 
I made some banana bread.  You know... just to warm up the house right?  I finally think I have my recipe down on this one!

On the way back from retrieving the last of our things, we stopped in a little town called Pittsburg Tx.  There is an orchard and produce farm there that uses plasticulture to grow strawberries.  We just had to stop and chat with him for awhile.  A very nice man who was happy to tell us all about his set-up.  I may have to head back over the border when the strawberry's get ripe.  I'm dreaming of strawberry jelly and I may have hit the "honey-hole".

John shot a hog on Sunday and he and Mars cleaned it and let it hang over-nite in the cold air.

  Monday morning they butchered it and it now resides in the freezer.  It is open season year round on feral hogs here. More to come I am sure!

I got to watch a baby chick hatch a couple of weeks ago and got it on video!

I am easily amused....


  1. ahh, it's the good life you've found! I must be easily a,used as well, all of the things you mentioned are good for me too!

  2. That sounds like a VERY good day in my book. Thank you for sharing that (and if you want to share that bread. . that's OK too.


  3. can you believe that all of our snow is melted?!?!?! oh spring is in the air - woohoo!

    and your day sounded like a fantastic one!

  4. My whole family is from the next town over from Pittsburg. That's some beautiful country out there in the piney woods.
