
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Great Visit

We had a wonderful visit this weekend with some fellow preppers, 
YeOldFurt and his wife Hoss Boss!  It was really refreshing to be able to sit face to face with someone who is aware of the situation that surrounds us today.  I hope we visit with them again soon! There has been some discussion as to a Texas meet-up in the spring.  We will be making that one for sure, maybe sooner as well!

The were kind enough to grace us with 30 fresh eggs while they were here.  I have them in the dehydrator right now as a matter of fact.  

Hoss Boss and I have been playing with an idea for me to start my own busisness.  I'm really excited and will let you all know more as things progress.  I'm pretty sure I should be able to get it off the ground.  I just need to do a little more R & D.  

Well the cats are meowing fiercely in need of their dinner so I will make this one short.

One last thing, if you have the ability to meet up with other preppers in your area, make an attempt to get together with them and get to know them.  It could help save someones life down the road!

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