
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dehydrated Eggs

Today I decided to try the eggs I dehydrated a week or two ago.  Once they came out of the dryer they looked a bit weird.  Darkish yellow.

  I put them in the blender and powdered them then put them in a baggie.  I took the baggie and vaccum sealed it in a jar, then put it up in the cupboard.  

Today I decided to try a taste test.  I placed one teaspoon of powdered egg in a bowl and added two teaspoons of water to it.  I let it sit for about 15 minutes.
  It really didn't look all that appealing.  There were still little "chunks" of  dehydrated eggs in it.  

Not to be put off, I put a little oil in a pan and poured the egg in and scrambled it.  I was a bit leary to try it at first, but I did the taste test.

They came out GREAT!  We have another winner!  Now I just need to get some more eggs. 
I will be keeping an eye on this first batch to see how long they will remain good. 


  1. SciFiChick - please please please share the steps on how you dehydrated the eggs! I can't wait to try it too!!!

  2. Glad it worked out for you too! I had a batch or 2 come out darker too,I'm not sure if it's a time or temperature issue.
    Dean in az

  3. Good job, Sci!

    I'm so happy the eggs worked out ok for you. :D


  4. How clever, they even LOOK like eggs in the final photo! I've begun preserving my fresh eggs by coating them with mineral oil.

  5. There seems to be a brave woman out west lol!

  6. Kymbers- you got it! I will have it up in a day or so.

    Dean- thanks for the how-to! You were my inspiration for trying this.

    Fel- Awwww thank you sweetie!

    Preparedness- They really came out just like regular eggs. I don't have chickens or access to fresh eggs so I wanted to find a way to store them long term.

    Ernie- You "crack" me up! :D

  7. Just a random thought...if someone were on a cholesteral restricted diet,or had a recipe needing them,I don't see a problem to separate the white's from the yolk's. And if it's your taste,you could probably add pepper's and onion's to make an omellette.An easy french toast batter...Use your imagination!
    Dean in az

  8. Dean, I have read about seperating the eggs and doing them with the whites. I can't see a reason it wouldn't work. As for omelettes.. they will definately work. Anything you can used scrambled eggs in (omellettes etc.) will definatlly work!

  9. i have 30 hens starting to lay. do u use the oven or dehydrater to dry eggs
