
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another Round of Okra

I posted this picture for a reason.  I saw a picture over at Hoof and Barrel of Hoss's cats.  They looked so much like mine that at first I was wondering how she had pictures of my cats!!!   
 Ok now back to what I was originally going to write about!

We have a "routine" in the afternoons.  We both get home about the same time of day. We usually both end up catching up on emails, blogs, favorite sites etc...  Then we head out to the patio and enjoy the outdoors.  Piddle in the garden, play with the cats, catch up on the days doings. Shell peas, which is again on the agenda for today.   Just stuff!

Lately,we are picking okra everyday.
  Okra will get away from you if your not diligent about picking it. I have enough in the fridge with what I picked this morning to do another round of dehydrating.  I think this time I will uses some cajun seasoning on them before drying. 
This serves a dual purpose.  First, I have found they make great snack treats and are great for just munching dry.  My thinking is also that if for some reason we don't have seasonings when I rehydrate them, they will already be seasoned!  They rehydrate great and will fry up just like fresh.

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  1. okay - i will admit it - i have never had okra before!!! but with you talking about it all the time, i figure its high time i went out and tried some!!!

    i'll let you know what i think of it when i try it!
    (is it like zucchini?)

  2. Still bummed couldn't get any okra here! Oh well...
