
Friday, February 27, 2009

Waiting For Spring

This time of year always makes me long for spring. I miss sitting out in the yard in the evenings and watching the sun set. Once it warms up DH and I spend most of our time out there. Its a small yard but we love it.
DH has always grown a couple of tomato plants and a couple of pepper plants. Until last year! Last year his tomato and peppers somehow ended up in my flower beds. LOL I wondered how long it would take before that happened!! We had 6 tomato and 6 pepper plants. We gave away tomato's until friends and family didn't want them anymore. I knew early on I was going to learn to put up tomato's. I was a bit nervous at first having not tried it before but it was actually not all that hard. Just a bit time consuming. I get a distinct pleasure when I open the cabinet and see all those pretty jars of tomato's.
This year will be different. We have permission from the Park owner to have a garden spot!! DH is already prepping the garden spot for a "Victory" garden. We will be planting tomato's and peppers (of course) beans, squash, okra, corn, and who knows what else.
I will be learning to can veggies this year so any tips are welcome. I still have to locate a canner. I would love to have the All American one as it needs no gaskets. We shall see.

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