
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sometimes You Just Have to Roll

When we decided to move into an RV and take control (as best we can) of a new way of life. We had 4k saved. We scoured the papers for a few weeks. We struck paydirt on a Friday. Our adventure had begun!

The RV was old but in OK condition. Nothing a little patching up didn't fix!
This was a 38' 5th wheel. DH's truck had a gooseneck hitch. Hmmm.... We priced 5th wheel hitches. That got the DH thinking. Nothing like a little delima to stoke his brain!! He scrounged materials from the junkpile at work. And with welder and cutting torch in hand, proceeded to make the 5th wheel adaptable for the gooseneck. The man is brilliant I tell ya!! We tallied up the money we had spent on the trailer, the misc parts, propane, and the first months rent. We had met budget!

We got the trailer to our first RV park. ( There's a post all in itself!) Now for those who dont know....RV parks each have a sort of personality. No two are the same. Trust me on this one!! We moved 3 times and I suppose the third time really is a charm. (there's a post below)
We learned to live in that RV. Believe me it takes some getting used to. You have to develop a sort of rythem with your partner just to move around sometimes.

I wont go into how we ended up in another RV just now....way to long a story.... But we did. This time we had to have RV moved for us. DH's trucks just not big enough. He's been thinking about this for quite some time. Which FINALLY brings me to where we are now. We found a truck this week that will pull the rig! A great deal on a diesel with the 5th wheel hitch!! Thru some bartering , some major dipping in the savings and the sale of the old chevy we are going to be able to pull this off. That is one giant step in our preps believe me. And hubby is sleeping much better at night with that worry of of his back!!

Hurray for the little people! Sometimes you just have to roll with life and let it happen. Some of the greatest blessings in life come when you least expect it. For me that makes them all the more special.


  1. Well good for you!! Its always nice when something actually goes right and works out.


  2. Good for you.
    I just scored a 35 footer for 1100 bucks and paid a neighbor a C note to move it, he earned every dime.

    It will be until the end of the month before I can actually move into it but I am STOKED!

  3. Hurray for the little people is right! i am so glad to hear that everything worked out for you guys! and so glad to have met a new friend with such an upbeat and positive personality - YOU are awesome SciFiChick!
