
Monday, April 29, 2013

Chicken Fight

Cherokee Trail of Tears Beans

    If it's not one thing it is another around here.  Our coffee pot doesn't keep coffee very hot. It's the heating element I guess.  It just doesn't stay hot enough.  So the easy answer to that problem has been to just pop the coffee cup in the microwave for a minute and ... ta da..... hot coffee.  Until today.
  All was going well, coffee perfectly blended with my cream and sugar, sitting in the microwave.  Ding.... Coffee's done!  I reach up to take it out of the microwave.... and the door won't open.  No amount of pushing, pulling, smacking, shaking.... nothing could convince that freaking microwave to release my first cup of morning coffee. 
    Mars finally got it open a bit later but says the problem with it can't be easily fixed.  Something about small plastic parts and made in china was mumbled a few times.  So I guess we are going to need a new microwave. <sigh>  

   Sometimes living on a small budget can be challenging.  For instance this month, included in the regular bills is the car registration.  That by itself isn't really a game changer. I knew it was coming and so I'm ready for it.  Same with a couple of other "extras" on the list this month.  I've got to fill at least one propane bottle this month for the canning stove.  Strawberry season is upon us which means it's time to pick up strawberries and make my strawberry jam for the year.  And I still need to pick up a few more tomato plants from the farm/nursery down the road and get them in the dirt.
       You see, I've had those things figured into the budget.  Now, I know folks say you should have an emergency cash stash for times like these.  And I can just hear someone saying "Dang it's just a microwave, they are cheap".  Well you would be correct on both counts.  Stuff happens.  I've always known that.  And this is just another one of those small annoying things that happen from time to time.  The microwave will have to wait.  My priorities are already set for the month.  I can't justify NOT doing any of the stuff I'd already planned.  The car, the propane, the strawberries, and the new plants are all higher on my "need" list than the dang microwave.   If I happen to see one on CraigsList or Freecycle though.... ya never know!

   I can't be sure but I think that the broody girls all trying to stay on that one nest have committed murder.  The one little chick was dead this morning.  I think they stomped her to death, which, by the way, is what I think happened to the other one. So now I'm on the look-out for new peeps. I'll try to rig up a box of some sort for it for now. The heat light might be a problem. I DO have one bedside lamp.  It's got like a "bendy" neck on it.  Maybe that will work.  I've still got a little chick starter so that's a good thing.  We'll have to see how it works out.  I'm pretty much playing it by ear with them. 

UPDATE:  I've got a confession.... the chickens kinda freak me out a little anyway. Don't get me wrong, I love having chickens.  I'm just not one of those "chicken petter" peeps.  Last year one of the old roosters came at me and left a few marks.  I'm a tad gun-shy with them now.  But there was a baby in there. I just knew it would get stomped to death like it's other eggmates.  So I pulled on my big girl panties and jacket ( Gotta protect the arms) and grabbed my gloves. 
   WOW! Those hens got MAD.  They were flying at me, pecking me, squawking up a storm,  dust flying, flapping wings, ruffling feathers, looking for any weakness on my part.
  Who knew?  Stop laughing!  You could have warned me ya know?  Anyway, I rescued the chick and its now in the house in a box chirping non-stop.  Life is good!

So other than the Attack of the Killer Chickens and the death knell of one of my favorite appliances ....... Today was a good day.  Plenty of sunshine and a good dose of dirt under my nails.  I planted the rest of the row  that was finished and we're getting the next one ready.  I'm not in as big a hurry at the moment though because we are going to have yet another cold front come through at the end of the week.  What a spring!!


  1. I have two chicks in a tiny box--8x10 inches and a light clamped onto a floor lamp. The lamp hangs into the box a bit and I have a sheet folded over the lamp. If you put the little chick box into a larger box, or a plastic box, their box will stay warmer more easily. Throw something over the top of the box and lamp. It will be fine except for being lonely. A jar of hot water will help it. I taped hand warmers to the side of the box where the chicks could not peck it. Good luck.

    I doubt all the chickens were after you. Most likely, they were in a panic trying to escape. Well, except for the broody hen/s.

    1. What a good idea about the "double" box. I rigged up a temporary situation yesterday with a small box and a heating pad. I'll figure out something better today. I'll have to give the hot water bottle a try. Thank you!

  2. We have a couple nasty hens that will peck your eye out if you're so bold as to check under them for an egg. As for the mean roosters, well, they don't last long around here. Rooster soup is DE-licious!!

    1. Honestly, right in the middle of the melee with the hens I was thinking "What Would Carolyn Do"

      Then I started laughing....

  3. I hope tomorrow is tad better for you. You got me curious, so I'm going have to google those beans!

    1. Thanks for your words, sir. I don't MEAN to bitch and whine... it just happens sometimes.

      As for the beans, they have a very long history. They are also a wonderful bean. The bean will change colors as it matures. Did I mention how good they are? Lots of history in this bean for sure.

  4. SCI,

    When you least expect it, things happen. Like your appliances giving you a hard time or they just stop working. I totally understand about budgeting and getting items when it's the right time.

    1. Sandy, I guess I just must have felt the need to fuss a bit when I was writing this. It just gets frustrating sometimes when you can't just "go and get a new ____ " I'm better now. And as for the appliances? Have you ever known exactly when one would die? It NEVER happens at a good time!

  5. Good for you stickin with a budget! Post on free cycle for one and I bet you have offers! No chickens here but I have to tell you I giggled like crazy reading about your chick rescue. What about tossing a few treats out first next time?

    1. It wasn't treats I was thinking about tossing at the time!

  6. I hate chickens. I think it's because I heard over the years a lot of stories from my mom about her adventures in egg fetching on her farm growing up. She hated those stupid things. LOL =)

    So does the lack of hot coffee mean that we are going to have to avoid your general presence on the internet until you either get a new coffee pot or a new microwave? =)

    1. Might not be a bad idea... at least till I get hot coffee! LOL

  7. The solution seems to be, at least for a month or so, to drink your coffee real fast while it is still hot. Or you could make less at a time, then make a little more. Ours doesn't keep it hot either so we NEED our microwave for the same reason.

    1. Funny the things we will do for a hot cuppa coffee, isn't it? :-)

  8. We've gotten some good coffee makers at thrift stores. Poor baby chicks, good to separate them...

    1. Nancy, that is exactly where we got this coffee pot. I just love thrift stores!

  9. While you are looking for a new coffee pot, keep your eyes open for an old steel thermos as well. I drink 2 cups in the am before work, then put the rest in the thermos, which keeps it piping hot til I have a break to drink it later in the morning.
