
Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I love lists.  I think I'd be totally lost without them.  I've got all sorts... Lists of big things and little things. Lists with goals, ideas, and dreams. Lists of movies to order for our nightly Netflix fix. Lists of lists. Lists of books I'd like to read. They are in notebooks, on the computer, on the backs of envelopes, the blank sides of junk mail.... nothing that has a blank spot on it is safe from being sucked into service.

 And we can't forget the To Do List.  That one is tricky. Things on the To Do List move alot.  Some come and go often while others don't seem to move much at all. I hate those.  They are my reminders that there was a reason they made it to the To Do List in the first place!  Marking something off a list makes me feel great.  I know it's done and then I can move on.  I don't know why but I like seeing things crossed off a list. Even better than that is to be able to toss one in the trash.

So, since we are once again being spanked by WildBlue Sucks for exceeding our bandwidth limits I find that I'd rather be getting something done rather than wait  for slower than dial-up speeds to load a page. It's annoying at best.  So with winter here it  seems to be a good time to get all those annoying things that have been on my "To Do" list for awhile.  You know....stuff like cleaning behind the freezer, cleaning out the fridge, generally trying to take back my house from the dust bunnies.  They may be winning....

I've started on my first crocheted afghan.  A dear friend sent me a box of yarn she'd found at a yard sale this summer. (Thank you MissB!)  I'll have to take pictures when there's actually something to show you. My grandmother used to crochet all the time and she tried to teach us girls.  I never really was interested back then.  So since I can't go get Gran to show me how anymore I decided to teach myself. The internet is a great place to learn.  I've made a couple of hats that came out all right so I figured since I had all this yarn I would try working an afghan.  I'm still knitting a little too.  I've got a scarf on the needles right now.  I found a really cool pattern for some kitchen curtains that I'd love to try to work.  Of course I don't have the yarn for that yet. It's on one of the lists I have around here. 

I also guess I have a confession to make.  My Mom and my s-Dad sent Mars a Kindle Fire for Christmas.  He didn't really seem very interested in it. Something about "real books" he said.  I said to myself "Self?"  Self said "Huh?"  "That sure is a cool gift and I sure hate not seeing it being used".  So I started messing around with it.  I've had a Kindle reader on my computer for awhile so I had at least an idea of where to start.  Well, I think I'm hooked now.  I've read more in the past week than I have in the past three months.  I just love it. Of course we don't have wi-fi here at the house since the router took a dive last year.  That kind of cuts out using the net on it here at the house. BUT when I go into town I just hop on a wi-fi connection and download what I want.  Pretty cool! 

Mars is working on an idea for a smallish greenhouse.  It would be awesome to have a place to start seeds that really need a head start in the spring.  I'd like to be able to start ALL our own tomato and peppers this year.  It didn't really work out as well as I had hoped last year. I ended up buying some plants to supplement the ones that didn't really make it.  They just needed more light I think.  Anyway, a greenhouse will be an awesome addition around here.  The hardest part will be to figure out how to heat it.  I'm leaving all that to Mars.

So that's about it around here this past week or so.  I've been doing a bunch of baking. Cookies, cakes, breads.... I love this time of year because its not to hot to bake!!  I've been thinking about pulling out the big ol' pot and making a batch of spaghetti sauce to can.  Mars really isn't wild about spaghetti sauce but I love it.  So I was thinking that since I still have all those tomato's in the freezer I might just whip up a potful and then can them in pint jars.  That way I could have a quick lunch or dinner if I wanted.  Toss on some pasta and open a jar.  Yep... I just might have to do that.


  1. I'm right along with you on the list making. I couldn't survive with out them. Sometimes they are just a good brain dump to let my mind rest. It feels so good to see tasks chores or projects marked off as completed.

    1. You know I have to take my hat off to those who can go "listless". But they'll never know the feeling of marking a chore off that list! :)

  2. What an awesome pist, SciFi! The way you described lists is so me begore the SHTF for me. I would not have been able to put it into words so beautifully.

    Good luck with your crocheting. Isn't the internet an amazing place to learn something. If one person's you tube video doesn't work for you there are an infinite number still waiting to explain something.

    You sound fantastic ... happy :-)

    1. I'm glad you liked the pics. I really haven't been taking many lately. I need to find new rechargeable batteries for it. (I need to remedy that)
      I really like crochet but there is something about knitting that really makes me relax. I just wish I was better at it! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. The Kindle is addictive, I love mine, and spaghetti sauce.

    1. I bet you make an awesome spaghetti sauce. Care to share your recipe? :o)

  4. My wife and I both have Toshiba tablets and we just love them and they get used a lot. You will enjoy the Kindle.

    1. I really do like it. It's an easy way to take a book most anywhere. Sometimes when I go to the Big City I'll take the laptop in case I need to "google map" something. Now I can just slip the Kindle in my purse and go!

  5. I have lists everywhere, too. It's annoying when I leave them at home, too.
    Have a great day!

    1. LOL Linda!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who leaves my list at home. Mars laughs at me about it. He always asks whats the point of making a list if you're always leaving it at home.
      You have a Super Day!!

  6. Sci,

    Hey Lady!!! I'm a list person myself, I find as I've become older writing things down makes a world of difference. I make lists for groceries, to do lists, gifts for the holidays, things to do around the house or property. Lists have become my best friend :-) That is if I remember where I last placed my list, lol.....

    I love my Kindle Fire I received as a gift last year, it seems I take this baby every where I go. I try to find places that allow free WIFI, this way I can download things to read. When I was at the hospital for a week and half with my Dad, I brought my Kindle to keep me busy when he was sleeping.

    Like you, I will be canning tomato sauce soon. I have a bolognese recipe I want to use. I'm thinking of leaving the meat out of the sauce, and just adding it in when I make pasta.

    Have a wonderful day, Happy New Year!

    1. Hey Sandy,
      It seems the more I use the Kindle the more I like it! I can see it going into town with me too. I'm already finding all kinds of things I want to download..... And with our internet it just makes sense to jump on a free wifi and "get 'er done"!
      Bolognese recipe?? I'm interested. :)

  7. We live more than an hour's drive from the nearest store. So for us, lists are way important. The first couple of years we lived here, I was forever making lists of all the errands, and the grocery lists that needed to be taken care of during our infrequent trips to town. However, I lost (or left home) so many of the lists, it seemed I never got everything taken care of. Then I was struck with inspiration! I have one of those write on/wipe off boards (actually it is more like a calendar page that I got in the 75% off bin at Michaels) which is stuck on my wall in the kitchen with a handy little pen next to it. Whenever anyone mentions anything concerning town, it gets put on the list. Then the last thing I do before leaving for town, is to use my camera phone to take a picture of the list. I never leave my phone home, therefore my list is with me. When I get home, I erase the list on the wall and the picture on my phone. Since starting this a couple of years ago, I have never forgotten my lists.
    As far as the Kindle is concerned, I have had my Kindle2 since May 2010. I have more than 1500 books on it and have only paid for 6 of them. I use a daily email to pick out free books. The website is and has thousands of free books everyday.

  8. Glad to see you have a plan of sorts...and I always figured you were a list person!

    I've been thinking of getting a Kindle and now that I've heard how much you like it, I am convinced!

    Good post!

  9. Good post! I do lists too, I live my life by postits. I do project lists too, and feel accomplished when things get crossed off. I wish I had a good spot for a small greenhouse, but there's nowhere that has a good full southern exposure. That spot has the garden area, oh well...

  10. I'm like you; I've got lists of lists of lists!!

    As for heating the greenhouse, how about this:

    Or look up "Beer Can Solar Heater". I'm hoping to put on in our "whenever we get around to it" greenhouse or high tunnels.

  11. I wanted to answer each of you individually but it seems that it's taking forever for my comments to reload. So.....

    Tricia, Now THAT is a brilliant idea! So simple but dang that's a great tip. I never would have thought of taking a picture of the list! Oh and thanks "mucho" for the book link. Awesome!! Thanks for stopping by!

    Hey Jim, go for it! And be sure to copy that link that Tricia left too. Have a good day,my friend.

    Nancy I know what you mean about not having the room. Before we moved out here we were extremely limited in places to even grow stuff. Lots of planters, buckets and a few rows of stuff. We all have to work with what we have I guess. Have a great day!

    Carolyn, If I remember right I think MDR (Modern Day Redneck) was working on a beer can solar heater. I should slide over there and take a look.
    Thanks for reminding me! Oh and I'm going to show Mars that link. Thanks.

  12. I am the odd one that prefers winter to summer. Better baking, quiet outside, the whole house like a cocoon I can just curl up and read a book in.

    Enjoy it, AND the sauce (add a spoon of balsamic vineger and a drop or two of wild honey in a batch, trust me)

  13. I start a page in a spiral notebook. I have maybe a half-dozen lists on one page: call (with all the numbers written out), Walmart, Food World, find, coupons, sort, etc. Then, each heading has its own little list, a sublist, if you will. I love to mark off anything at all. Late that night or the next morning, I transfer undone things to the next page and add to it. Each page is dated, so I know when I did what when I wonder in the future. It works for me since my menopausal mind stalls occasionaly.

    It may take me a week to finish the original list. However, some things are a priority. Others are done in one location. It works for me. It is not necessarily a list I must finish in one day. It is just so I will eventually get things done.

  14. Want to enjoy your Kindle more? Try this:

    New books, for free download, every day.

  15. I really like your blog. I think I join your site. Have a nice day/Gela
