
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Update (I'm Back)

I've been on a vacation of sorts.  I needed to take a break from blogging,FaceBook and all the news I usually read daily. I'll admit it sometimes wears me out.  Things are getting crazy around the world.  There isn't much we can do about it except prep as much as possible while there is still time.

   I'm so glad we are on the downside of summer. It's been tough without the air conditioner but we made it.  It's already been in the 50's at night here a couple of times already and it sure felt good!  Fall is coming and summer will soon be a bad memory. It seems that August tries every year to kick my butt. This summer I'll admit defeat.

Around the homestead things are getting done. Slowly. There is still a bunch of stuff I'd like to get in the ground.  The lettuce didn't come up so I need to replant it.  There's still time to get a few more things in the ground before it gets to cold. We got some of the Cherokee Trail of Tears Beans coming up and starting to put out runners.  I've also got several types of squash growing. All the peppers made it through the summer.  They were producing well before the heat got to them. They still put out blooms and mini peppers. Hopefully once it cools down they will start growing regular size peppers again.

I lost both my female rabbits to the heat. I feel pretty bad about it but I suppose that's just how things go. Even with ice bottles twice a day and my "bathing" them with cool well water it was just to hot for the girls.  So now I've got two males and need new does.  I found a woman just down the road that raises and sells rabbits.  She'll sell me a couple of 4-5 month old does for $10 each.  At least this way I don't have to wait as long to get them to breeding age and $10 is a decent enough price.  I won't have had to have raised and fed them all that time. I've been waiting to go get them until it cooled off  some. So it's on the top of the "To Do" list".

A friend from the Prepper Chat Room sent me some heirloom patty pan squash and long green cucumber seed.  I hadn't planned to plant the cucumbers till next year but you know how sh*t stuff happens.The seeds envelope got rained on.  We haven't had rain in so long I forgot to take the rest of the seed and put it away for next year.  I had left it sitting outside. Anyway..... I decided to go on and plant them as well and hope for the best.  We'll see what happens.  


  1. Glad you are back and survived the summer.

    1. Thanks Diz! Shoot you know all about hot summers too. I'm just glad Fall is finally coming!

  2. ...welcome back Sci, keep us updated...

    1. Thanks Ken. As for keeping ya'll updated I'll be boring you to death again soon! LOL

  3. Glad to see you back! I've missed you. Ohh, love to see how those patty pans turnout. I need to get a seed order for next year together and they will be on the list! Welcome back!

    1. Kati, I'll be sure to take pictures. They are really doing well so far. It's hard to believe that it's already time to start thinking about next year. Shoot, I'm still not over this summer yet! LOL!!!!

  4. Glad you are back and that you survived August. Fall is here, my favorite time of the year. Take care.


    1. I love the Fall too. And living here now I am enjoying it all the more. LOL If I think about it I probably was just as miserable last summer as this year. This year is just easier to remember! Thanks for stopping by Goldie.

  5. Sci,
    Welcome back my friend! Sometimes a break is needed and well deserved.
    I hope you have success with your fall garden. I've pretty much given up until spring. Have a wonderful weekend and give Mars a hug!

    1. Sandy,
      Thanks, I've kind of missed all you guys and am glad to be back. As for the fall garden, I almost didn't want to "participate" after the spring and summer garden. But then logic took over and I started planting some things. We don't have alot out there but as I said, there are 4 kinds of squash, cukes,peppers,and beans. I still want to replant the lettuce and there are a couple of other things I'd like to try to get in before its to late. Hugs to you and yours!!

  6. Always good to see you my friend. There seem to be so many bloggers taking breaks, but I can understand it. I haven't been on a break, per se, just too busy to get around to blogging lately. A new car and the ability to drive it painfree kind of keeps me out of the house. ::wink::

    I am sorry to hear about the rabbits. Hard loss, but it got me thinking. Next year could you buy an inexpensive mister from Lowe's/Home Depot? They are under 10 bucks, don't use an insane amount of water and you could leave it on during the height of the day to keep them cool. They are sold to mist people sitting outside on, say, a deck or a patio. I am sure you have seen one. Anyway, just a thought.

    1. Skippy, I'm so happy for you about your tiny little freedom machine! I know you must be thrilled to pieces about being able to "go and do".

      And leave it to you to find the answer to the rabbit "heatwave". I'll have to start looking for a mister. I'll bet they might even have some marked down this time of year. Thanks girl!!

  7. I, for one, am happy to see you made it through the worst part of the Summer and are back with us!

    I always look forward to your post and the updates!

    1. Jim it is always good to see you my friend. Shoot, I know you have your share of Summer as well. I might have to deal with the heat but at least I don't have all that humidity that you have to put up with.
      Have A Super Day!!!

  8. So many things in your post I can agree with.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks LindaG, I hope you and yours a have great weekend!

  9. Welcome back! It's tough when the weather seems to strive to get us down. I'm glad your does are getting replaced at such a good price, and that it's finally raining.
