
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Well Color Me Camo!

Well color me camo and call me a conspiracy theorist.  They laid out a bunch of chemtrails contrails yesterday and today we have a few clouds and a rumble of thunder.  There's even a 20% chance of isolated thunderstorms in the area.  I haven't seen any of those things in a few weeks.

We could sure use the rain though. The fires around here are "contained" for the time being but still smoldering. They are still putting out hotspots and have the bulldozers out working too.  There is talk on the radio about them starting some backfires to clear up trouble spots.  We are staying vigilant and hoping that the winds don't pick up.

I haven't let my panic mode stop me from doing some canning though.  I was in Little Big Town a few days ago shopping and stumbled on another "real deal" in the produce department. They had several big bags of banana's and three 2 lb bags of plums marked down to $1.29 a bag.  Yep! I snatched up all three bags of plums and two bags of the banana's . One might think I might have gone overboard on the banana's as they were about 10 lbs each. But!  I had a plan!  I made 8 half pint's of monkey butter, 5  half pints and 2 pints and of banana butter with it. The rest of them were just too "squishy" and dark to do more so I just stuck them in the freezer for using later. I'll have some to make banana bread with if it ever cools down long enough to bake in the house.  I put up 6 pints of plum jelly too!  I'm officially out of 1/2 pint jars now so anything I do will have to be in pints or quart jars.

Another thing I was able to do was to get rid of that old freezer burned pork ( that's a story for another time) that has been taking up room for over a year now.  I boiled it all up and canned it for dog food.  I'll just add rice and veggies as needed. I figured it would take sooo many less jars (and canner loads) to do it this way. So that makes a total of 21 quarts.  It won't feed her long but its a start.  I can get three feedings a jar from it with added goodies so thats not too bad.

And why was I all the sudden on a canning spree, you might wonder?  Well I got an awesome gift from my mom this past week. (Thanks Mom, I Love You)  I am now the proud owner of a KajunKooker three burner high pressure propane stove!  It is awesome too.  I can boil a canner of water in less than 15 minutes now. It was taking me over an hour before.  I gave it a work out doing all that canning I was telling you about.  It hardly took any time at all to get it done either. It was taking me all day to do just a couple of canner loads a day on the burner I have been using. Now I can get it done in just 2-3 hours.  Amazing how the proper tools make the work so much easier!

Oh, if you are wondering why there is no picture today, I've been put in "time out" again by WildBlue Sucks. It seems once again I have exceeded my bandwidth.  Of course to upgrade to an even worse plan would cost me $200.  I think I'll pass. So for now I'll just take the time out. 

Well folks, I hope you all have a wonderful day.  I'm off to SmallsVille to run some errands.  I need to fill a propane tank :-)

UPDATE:  The name of the cooker is actually a King Kooker (Made in La. which is probably why I called it by the wrong name...)


  1. I'm laughing through your post as I LOVE using the canner outdoors. So much quicker than inside. 10 yrs ago, would you have ever dreamed of the things that thrill you now? What an awesome gift.
    Great scores on the fruit, the overripe banana's will be wonderful in banana bread. I always peal mine and let them set for 15-20 minutes before baking with them so the sugars release. They will make a great snack come a cool fall morning or evening 8-D

    1. Isn't it amazing how a few years will change a person? LOL!
      Oh, and thanks for the thawing tip on the banana's. Who knew?

  2. I do love me some fresh baked banana bread! Makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

    Sounds like a good score at the store...and a great gift from Mom!

    1. You know Jim, I am going to have to try and send you some banana bread this fall. It sure would be yummy with a fresh hot cup of coffee out on the patio, my fried.

  3. ...mmmmmm, banana bread got me dreaming of cooler weather for sure, but first will be the Mrs zucchini bread(they're frozen first, 'sides don't have any

    ...and color me dense but, this is the first time i've heard of canning dog meals from inedible casualties of the freezer,he usually gets'em grilled and 'now'...Outstanding idea

    1. ...mmmm zucchini bread sounds mighty tasty too. Wanna trade? LOL!!

  4. Monkey butter sounds delish! do you have the recipe? I need to get Senior shopping for the KajunKooker, sounds like a "must have"... My kids are back in school tomorrow so it would be perfect and seems so time consuming.

    1. I'll get that recipe up and posted in the next couple of days JUGM. Its good stuff for sure.
      Once I started thinking about it I realized I had used the wrong "name" on the cooker. The things actually called a King Kooker. Being made in La. is what threw me I guess... I'm blonde like that at times.

      It seems that summer just few by, its hard to believe that school is starting already. Didn't they just get OUT of school?

  5. Ouch!
    I'll forgive you no pictures if you share your recipes, with us. ;o)
    Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

    I'll have to look up KajunKooker, too. :o)

    1. LindaG I'll toss up a post with the recipes for ya in a day or two (or three knowing me)
      You Have a Super Day as well! :-)

  6. When you make the dog food with the old pork, be sure not to add any of the allium family (onions, garlic, leeks, etc)to it; they can be toxic to dogs and cats.

    More info on human food not good for pets:

  7. Thanks for the info BobG! All I did to this was add water and salt and then pressure cooked it and canned it.

  8. We had banana ice cream tonight for desert. Have you tried it.
    You take one frozen banana per person and let them defrost for about 5 minutes. Then break them into 1/3rds and pop in your Kitchen Wiz with the steel blade on. Wiz for a couple of minute and you will find it forms tiny round balls. Take lid off and scrap down the sides of the bowl. Replace lid and wiz again for about 1minute till the banana starts to look like ice cream. Take off the lid and place scoopfuls into ice cream cones. Delicious treat and no added preservatives or rubbish. Just wholesome fruit. Let me know how you like it.
    Blessings Gail
    (from Australia)
