
Friday, July 27, 2012

Slowing Down Just a Bit

The drought continues as do the 100* temperatures.  Much of the garden is done for.  The heat loving purple hull peas are done as well which surprises me. Yet the peppers, okra and melons continue to give it all they've got.  Even the tomato's are about done. To be honest I'm glad that part is over for now.  I was getting kind of tired of messing with tomato's. 

I've learned a lot from this spring garden.  Not having had a garden this large before there were many lessons to be learned. This I why I've always stressed the point that you have to learn, practice and hone any new skill.  Reading it from a book is one thing but actually doing it is a whole other thing. Not that I haven't grown gardens before but they were small compared to this one.  I wouldn't trade what I've learned this year for anything.  I will say one thing though, I'm really glad that the biggest part of it is over. I don't have the energy I used to have and have to take things at a slower pace, take more breaks.  That makes everything seem to take so much longer. There were times I wasn't sure I could keep up but I did!!   I'll be better prepared next year and ready for the onslaught of beans, peas, tomato's and all the other things that seem to come in all at once. 

I know that if it weren't for the drip line irrigation Mars installed none of this would have been possible. It's just been too hot and to try and hand water would have been impossible.  That was some of the best money we have spent in a long long time.  And for about $200 I can see it paying for itself by next spring.  Heck I think it's already paid for itself. All that watering I didn't have to spend all day doing.  

Other than drying some of the never-ending okra and canning peppers there isn't much to do right now in this heat.  We are going to put most of the garden to bed for the year.  I'd like to pick up some broccoli and cabbage plants since I neglected to start any for the fall.  And believe it or not I even want to pick up a couple of tomato plants just for fresh tomato's to go with the lettuce I'll be planting in a few weeks.  Mars has two 75' rows ready to plant in.  We'll see if that's big enough. I'm looking forward to a slower pace about right now! What's crazy is that the calendar calls for planting all sorts of things right now.  I've got the itch to go on and get things in the ground but I just worry that with all this heat it will end up frying the seed and/or sprouts before they have a chance. We are going to give it a couple more weeks at least before trying to plant the fall stuff. Maybe by then we'll get a break in the weather.

So, now all the sudden I find myself with some time on my hands during the day. What a change!  Of course it only means that I can get to some other things I've been neglecting. There are beans to be harvested for next years seeds, and my house has suffered terribly for the past six or eight weeks. I've got a list (of course) of tons of projects that need to be done but it's had to take a back seat to weeds, beans and tomato's for awhile.

I have to just say one thing...... I wouldn't trade it for anything. Man,  I love this life!!  Who would have thought even two years ago we would be here and doing this.  I might get hot and tired and dirty but I'm doing it for us and what a wonderful feeling that is. And in these troubled times I take moments every day to just stop and look around and realized just how blessed I am.


  1. It's the best when you've done it yourself. I have learned that just because one veggie did great one year, does not mean that it will be the same the following year. One thing I need to do is keep a garden journal.

    1. Rose, I'm with you 100%. I sort of have a journal but I haven't kept up with it nearly as well as I should have. It's something I need to pay much more attention to this next round.

  2. Wow, your garden sounds very large - two new 75 foot rows to plant! No wonder you are a bit tired! What a great learning experience for you. We have our garden on a drip system, too, but it seems I still need to hand water a few plants now and then as we tweak our system. Every year gets better (and easier) and our hope for the next season is running high. I still need to seed late peas, swisschard, lettuce and carrots tomorrow. Like Rose, I need to keep a garden journal, too. I have a friend that keeps hers as a blog - it is a great way to do it because you can add pictures, too. We never remember things like we should, so it would really help us here! It is on the "to do" list, which is very long!

    1. 2 Tramps, isn't the drip system awesome! Even though I've had to do a bit of hand watering too, it's nothing compared to what I was trying to do last year. As this is just the first "real" year for this garden, I know things will get better. I'm looking forward to good soil in a couple or three more years.... Now that should be fun!
      Maybe we should all start working harder on those garden journals!

  3. Nothing like finding the time to really enjoy the fruits of your labor!

    Guess it's true that the Lord helps those that help themselves! Time to kick back a tad, my friend!

    1. Jim, you always know just the right thing to say to make me smile! I think kicking back a tad sounds mighty fine.

  4. It is a nice feeling when things get done and your pantry is full. I have had so much fun this year canning. Now I am thinking of doing vegetable soup and beans. For those nights when I can't think of what to fix. I am glad you have had so much fun. It is hard to explain to people sometimes how much fun it is looking at all of your hard work in jars. :)

    1. Aren't filled jars just the prettiest things in the world? I just love how they look! I've had problems this summer with my propane burner not giving out enough BTU's so it's taken me much longer to get the canning done each batch. It's been a bit frustrating but where there is a will there is a way!

  5. I too get a great deal of satisfaction from preserving the fruits of our labour. We are in winter over here, but it's so mild. Beautiful sunny days and cooler evenings. I feel things are going to get tougher soon. On our news last night they said Australian food prices would go up 5% because of the drought in the US. They are also predicting a hot dry summer for us as well. I hope you get a chance to put your feet up a bit, now that things have slowed in the garden.
    Blessings Gail

    1. Gail,
      It sounds like wonderful weather for winter. I know what you mean about things feeling like they are going to get tougher soon. It's a real concern. I didn't really realize that you would be affected over there but now that you mention it, I suppose it does make sense. All the more reason to grow everything we can while we can.
      Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. It's sonice to hear someones speak honestly about the hard work gardening is. Often blogs writers make it sound like it all happens on its own, and to some extent it does, just not the work keeping the soil in good shape, the hoeing & raking etc..all before the canning and preserving starts. But, in saying that there is nothing better than seeing all those jars lined up unless it's a cold winter supper which you've provided from your own labor!
