
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hello Again

I'm not sure I've ever been away this long before.  I keep meaning to stop and sit down and get caught up but "things" just seem to get in the way.  So much going on in the whole country right now that it kind of makes my fussing about things around here seem pretty petty.  I was going to write about the heat we are having here and how the AC isn't working (again).  But it seems sort of a small problem right now with the problems others are experiencing after that killer storm.  At least we still have electricity.  Things could be a whole lot worse. 

The garden is starting to go into summer mode now.  The beans are all done and what is out there now will be my seeds for next year.  ALL the squash succumbed to squash bugs.  Those little bas bugs ate them down to the ground eventually. We might have found something that works on them though.  I'll be sure to let you know.  We have some winter squash coming up now and are trying a new bug killer.  We'll see how it goes.
 The potato's are all done.  Not much of a showing on them.  I think we might have dug 10 lbs.  Next year will be much better.  This has really been a big learning year for me.  I've never been so actively involved as I have here this year.  I've always pretty much just been the one to put up the goodies in the past.  It's alot of work for sure but well worth it.  

The tomato's are starting to ripen and will most likely all come in at the same time.  It's too hot for them to set more fruit now so I suppose I'll be planting more for the fall garden.  It's hard to believe it but it is already time to start planting the fall garden here.  Seems strange to be thinking ahead to fall when its still 100 degree's.  BUT it does mean that there aren't more than about 60 more days of hot weather to go!!  

I've been trying to get as much done as I can but the heat seems to slow me down a bit.  I've been canning and drying every day.  I haven't canned any tomato's yet but I'm going to try something I've not done before.  My friend Mushroom suggested that I freeze the tomato's I want to can until it gets cooler.  I understand the quality is not supposed noticeably different and that when you thaw them out the skin's just come right off.  So if I can save a step by not having to blanch them all the better!   One way or another I guess I'm going to find out.  Shoot, there is just so much one person can accomplish at one time.  I've also been drying  tomato's.  I'll be using them for tomato sauces and paste. 

All the peppers are still producing tons of goodness and are still blooming.  It's been a great year for peppers for sure.  I'm getting ready to put up another batch or two of hot peppers and some more banana peppers.  I also see salsa in my future pretty soon.  Just need a few more tomato's ripened up and everything else is ready to go.

I think I've been focusing on the garden to avoid having to discuss all that "Hope And Change" that's going on in America right now.  Some of us have been seeing this coming for quite awhile. The end of America is upon us and it seems that most people STILL can't see it.  For those who can, keep on prepping, cause when folks start realizing what has happened it is going to be ... shall we say .... interesting?
              ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ... ~~~~~~


  1. I've been trying to focus on other things as well. I have to. I got so mad last Thurday that I almost passed out twice (literally) at the Supreme Court.

    1. I hear you Matt, Lately it seems that on one hand I feel the need to keep up with all they are doing, but on the other hand, I really just don't know if I can take any more of it. What a crazy time we live in.

  2. Hey Sweetie! I will second being tired of all the talk on the hope and change.
    On a more interesting note, freezing the tomatoes saves from having to blanch the tomatoes before processing. Hmmmm, I like this idea. I have plenty of tomatoes on the verge of turning red, I may have to try this process. It sure looks like your garden has produced a mighty fine harvest for you this year. My regular potatoes didn't do to well this year. Whereas the sweet potatoes did pretty good. I see your potatoes gave you a sweet harvets, even though it's not as many as you wanted. What will you be planting this fall? Give Mars a hug from your Okie friends, catch you later. Doctors appointment calling me.

    1. Hey Sandy!
      I'll have to admit that for the first year out here we have been blessed with some great success in the garden. The tomato's are coming in fast here but with the nighttime temps being so high, the ones that are on the vine are all we are going to get. I'm trying to make the most of what we have. You already harvested sweet potato's? WoW! I didn't get mine in till last month but they sure are looking good! Since moving up here to Okie land I've been doing most of the planting by the OSU Ag guidelines. Well, except that really... we got started wayyy earlier because of the super warm March weather.
      Hugs to you and yours!

  3. hey gurl - THOSE are some awesome looking veggies!!! and i've said it before, i'll say it again - get yourself some tires for the potatoes!!! you can get them for free from any garage and potatoes looooove tires! you can probably start some now and get a good harvest in september/october. i am with Sandy in wanting to know what you will be planting for your fall garden? oh and give a big thanks to Mushroom for the tomatoe tip!!! lots of love always!

    your friend,

    1. LOL kymber... I keep trying to convince Mars that we need to start tire gardening but I can't get him to let me try it. He keeps saying he doesn't want all those tires out here. Personally, I think its because he doesn't want to have to cut them. (Of course I could be wrong )

  4. I've frozen tomatoes before, and it worked quite well.

    1. BobG, Thanks! I've not heard much about doing it this way so your input helps. I DO know it will sure be nicer to can during the cooler months. These 100 degree days just aren't made for canning!

  5. Serious question time, promise. Why do you think the end of America is upon us? Could you email your perspective on this? I am really curious as to your reasons. I know I seem like the kind of person that sees good in everything, but I do see that some of the changes that have occurred and are going to occur aren't good for our country. I would like to see if there are any I missed. I know how incredibly busy you are but if you get a moment I would appreciate it. Thanks.

    And do you know my garden survived that horrendous storm? I could not believe it. We were hunkered down in the basement [yes, it was that bad/scary] and then when we lost power we had to leave town and our plants thrive while we were gone. Little suckers. I picked a whole bunch of ripe tomatoes when I came home and I am waiting on the watermelons to get big! We still have, probably, another month on those. And the squash and peppers are happy too. Whew. I can't wait until next year. I am going to use my entire back yard & deck space. Unless we move - then I want a nice piece of land - even a quarter acre would be a treat.

    1. Skippy, I'll try to get something down in writing for you soon. Until I can find the time to put "pen to paper" though, you might check out Agenda 21. Just one name for it of course. You might be more familiar with "smart growth" or "sustainable living". Of course this is just a starting point, there is oh so much more.

      I am totally thrilled about your garden!!! Isn't raising your own food awesome? LOL It sounds like you have the bug now... Your whole backyard? wooo hoooo!!!!!!!!!! You go girl!

  6. Frezing vegies and canning in the winter works wonderful! Nice to have the heat in the house during the cold winter months

    1. You know Kati, I keep thinking the same thing! I'd much rather heat up the house in the winter. It's freaking HOT here right now!

  7. I'm glad you had power, the storm missed us completely, but watching it on the radar I knew it would not be good for so many.

    I freeze a fair amount, and am thinking of getting a second larger freezer for the home away from home.

  8. Brigid, I'm so glad to hear all that mess passed you by. I feel so bad for those hit by this one.

    You know, I've been thinking it would be nice to have another freezer here as well. But first I think a second fridge would be good. With all the veggies that are coming in right now, I find almost NO room in my fridge for everything. Yep, I think a veggie fridge is a good idea!

  9. I think a lot of people were spitting mad last Thursday. We have a lot of work to do getting rid of that man and all of the damage he has done. I am not sure that we can undo it all. The debt is going to crush us, but I hope the money-changers can forestall the crash until I have the homestead more ready.
    Sorry to be a downer also, but people that haven't awakened to the need to prepare, might if they read more of this (very real) negativity.

  10. Just found your blog and thrilled I did. I thought I was the only one mouthing off about loss of rights and government needing to get out of our kitchens !! I will SO be back,
