
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rinse and Repeat

Sometimes I have to wonder what in the world were we thinking.  I mean, this gardening thing can  be pretty overwhelming. Especially one this large after so many years of only having a small garden. The last guess as to how big the thing is?  About 9 one hundred foot rows. (More or less)This is starting to feel like a farm!   So much stuff planted and so much coming up just like it  was intended to.  Canning and drying season has begun.
It is a wonderful feeling though at the end of the day to be able to sit in the shade, shelling peas or "stringing" beans and watch the sun go down over that big ol' garden. To be able to see some progress out there with everything looking good (except for the squash and them dang bugs) makes me smile.  Things are actually growing!   I know .... What did I expect, right?

My life has changed so dramatically over the past couple of years that even some of my family still don't quite "get it".  They still think of me as "the old me".  The one that went to my BS job every day without fail.  The one that "piddled" around in the garden and the flower beds"  after work and on my days off.  The one that used to talk about getting away from it all.  They still can't picture me feeding the chickens, rabbits and assorted pets.  They don't see how different life can be if you just dare to be brave enough to try new things.

Now don't get me wrong... I'm not saying this was or even has been easy.  But it IS rewarding.  This is our first year with this ginormous garden and I can't seem to get Mars to STOP TILLING up more dirt.  There is never a day that goes by that I don't have a list of things that has to be done.  I sure don't want to get behind on weeding or watering or all that fun stuff.  And now things are starting to "come in".  So add in the picking and processing of all these goodies and all I can say is....  Much more to do! 

 We've been so lucky this far with most of the garden.  Now it's time to commence to canning and drying. (Both of which I've been doing every day for the past two weeks or so)  I really need to take the time to work on the garden journal.  I had it started with dates that things were planted but then kind of let it go.  (Kind of like I've been neglecting this blog)  Now that things are starting to take off I really need to get serious about writing it all down.  I don't want to make the same mistakes twice!  I've also learned a few things that would do me good to remember next year. 

I'm also having to realize that I just can't do all the things I was once able to in the same amount of time.  I've always had a real problem with not  knowing just when "enough" is "enough".  I can't move at the same pace I once could and things tend to take me longer to accomplish than they used to.  These days, things that take some folks a few minutes to do can take me at least twice as long. It's hard to admit but harder to deny.   I guess I'm going to have to start my days earlier cause I seem to keep running out of daylight! 

It's a good thing I make lists though.  Who knew what a good thing lists could be?  I have one started for today. (with a few leftovers from yesterdays list) 

Tomorrow.... ( which is today cause I wrote this yesterday.... Confused yet???)

1. Finish "snapping" the green beans.
2. Can up the green beans and purple hull peas
3. Spray the bug killer on the squash (lost cause) Tomato's, broccoli, peas and spinach
4. Mix up more bug spray
5. Cut up peppers and get into the dehydrator.
6. Pick and dry more basil, dill and parsley
7. Slice and brine the cucumbers to get ready to pickle
8. Pick beans, peas and peppers
9. Laundry washed and hung out
10. All that normal house stuff..... cook two or three meals,wash dishes, take out trash, sweep,feed and water the chickens, rabbits,etc....

11. Rinse and repeat 

I have to admit the more I do this ... the more I respect those who do so much more every single day.  I am humbled.


  1. We've had it way too easy way too long. Our ancestors had to be pretty tough. And the saying, "Men work from sun to sun but a woman's work is never done" is soooooo true.

    1. I sure know what you mean. My grandparent's were twice as tough as I am and boy oh boy you should have known my greatgrandparents!

  2. DE for squash bugs. or feed store

    1. mizdeb, unfortunately the DE hasn't done a thing at all for the squash bugs. Nor has the hot garlic pepper spray or the BT. I'm seriously thinking about trying some of the new stuff. It's supposed to be ok for the garden and some say it will even kill squash bugs. Its called Eight.

  3. My garden area is smaller this year than it ever has been before!

    I knew going in that I wouldn't have much extra time, so I kept it that way on purpose!

    Good luck on the canning and all! Nothing like enjoying the fruits of your labors!

    1. Your garden may be smaller this year but I bet you still have you some tomato's and peppers out there! We Texan's can't help but grow those two wonderful plants even if nothing else can or will be growing! LOL!!!

  4. Sci, Hey there sweetie!!! Glad to hear you and Mars are well. The one thing I keep on my mind all the time (when it comes to family), is your doing what you want to do. Enjoying life to it's fullest, in stress free environment. My family doesn't understand us either.

    Sounds like the gardening is going to really keep you busy between pulling weeds, killing bugs, watering, picking veggies/fruit, canning, freezing and dehydrating you could say that's one full time job!!! Then add to it, taking care of the animals, cleaning house and doing laundry. Oh yeah and don't forget hubby, lol...Geez.....we women have 3 full time jobs. I've noticed, these 3 full time jobs are much more fulfilling then working at a B.S. job ;-)

    Making lists are wonderful things. If I don't, I feel as if I'm losing my mind. Your list is pretty busy, and I can imagine your always adding to it. As I'm getting older, I find getting up early in the morning is better. This way I can get things done when it's not so hot outside. This also gives me time (because I'm getting old) to catch a nap (in the heat of the day) if I need to.

    Were expecting rain again tonight, at least it's not as humid as it was yesterday. Have a great evening and tell Mars, Bulldog Man and I say hello :-)

    1. Sandy, The very best part of doing what we are doing is just as you say... I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't enjoy it. I'm my own worse boss though! I'll admit I don't miss one thing about the old BS job... Shoot I'm too busy to miss it.

      I've always been a listmaker. I have those suckers everywhere. Notebooks, backs of envelopes, scraps of paper, backs of receipts....well you know. I just love being able to mark off something on a list. (and then go take an afternoon siesta) I sure hope we get some of that rain here. Wow the humidity here yesterday was like being back on the Texas coast. Except there was no wind! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I so understand where you are coming from. We do not have a garden (container only) but last year we move 2,000 miles away for what had been our home for long, long time. We left family, friends behind and moved from a large city to a small (make that tiny) town. No one understands. We love it. Peace, quiet, slower pace allows us time to clear our heads and figure out our next step. You go girl!

    1. JMD, don't be silly! Of COURSE you have a garden!!! You are growing stuff, right? :-) I'm so glad you have been able to find your happy place... and you know what? I've come to think that if "they" don't understand it, boy are they missing out! You can't discount the peace, quiet and slower pace.

  6. Keeping a big garden is definitely hard work! Along with taking care of chickens or other animals, kids, and everything else it adds up fast! We had a baby two months ago, and decided that it would be best to not do a garden this year... We were sad about it, but new it would get away from us if we tried... But always the perennial gardener, I keep telling myself that there is always next year!

    Also, you know that you have become a list master if you have graduated to the "list of lists." Just ask my wife!

    1. Congrats on your newest family member!!! Baby trumps garden every time! There's always next year for a garden but babies only come around once (each) LOL!!

      P.S. I think I might be on the road to enlightenment... I actually DO have a "list of lists"

  7. We're having to realize we are not spring chickens any more, either.
    However, I think you do a fantastic amount.
    I also want to share this post with you.
    Have a wonderful evening!

    1. I absolutely LOVED this post! Thank you so much for sharing it. What a great site!!

  8. This is our first year container gardening and I was thrilled when we picked our first tomato and mild pepper today. heehee We won't get much but it has been so much fun and rewarding to watch our 5 plants grow and produce. One day [in maybe 4 years?] if I am still kicking we will be on our own land and hopefully can have half as much success as you all are having. You sure are going to eat well this summer fall and winter. Congratulations and NICELY done. You should be very proud. :D [more pics please, if you aren't too busy.]

    1. Awwwww Skippy... I'm so happy for you about your "venturing" into a bit of gardening. Am I crazy or is it just totally exciting to be able to "partake" of something you had a real hand in growing??? I'll try to remember to take more pics, it has just been real busy around here lately

  9. Sci - i can sooo relate to this post! family not understanding, a very demanding job staying on top of the garden, not as young and nimble as ya used to be, etc., etc. - but heck - you and me wouldn't have it any other way! oh and there is a secret that i will share with you - the list and the jobs - they never get done. there will always be a list and there will always be jobs - and some of those will have to wait until tomorrow's list. and tomorrow's. you get the point? this way of living is a life-style - it's the style in which you wish to live your life. i have put in a new rule here at the Manor - we get up early, walk around and see what is going on, get in the hot tub, do some jobs, stop for breakfast, go back to jobs, stop at 12 for dinner, and then decide to do one or two more jobs - the absolute rule is that by 2pm - we are done for the day! the rest of the afternoon is for doing enjoyable things - reading and suntanning, fishing, swimming, etc. then we have supper and do a few standard evening chores and the rest of the evening is for enjoying the sunset, reading or watching a movie. then early to bed. we want to enjoy our lives from here on in and this new rule is working for us. i want for you to be stress-free and living the life of Riley - this way of life is not for the yellow-bellied - and although i have never seen your belly, i am pretty sure it isn't yellow!

    love ya hon! your friend,

    1. You know, It seems I've gotten over the family not really "getting it" anymore, but it is only because I have you and my other online blogging friends to talk to about it. Sometimes its just nice to know that there are others out there doing the same kind of things, dealing with the same kind of stuff.

      I really like your daily "game plan" We should all remember that no matter how much stuff needs to be done that we should take time out for ourselves and the ones we love. If we didn't ....what exactly would be the point in doing all this, right?

      P.S. I DONT have a yellow belly!!!! Bwahhaaahaaahaaa!!!!!!!

  10. Love this post. Fellow list maker here, I have them for every thing! (and they are everywhere) Our garden was put in late this year so now it's just watering and hoe'ing..but it's never ending. Everytime I get tired I look at the work as if it was our ONLY food source and it nudges me on. Yes at a slower pace but onward!

    1. Kati, just wait! Your time's coming.. LOL. Boy do I know these days about things being taken at a slower pace. But I don't really see it that way most of the time.. that dang list keeps me busier than I wanna be!

  11. With all of your "to do" list, it looks to me like canning takes the most time. How about trying to dehydrate your purple hull peas? I just vacuum packed two previously frozen bags of purple hulls and they look great. Sorry, I haven't tried rehydrating them yet. But if black eyed peas are dried , soaked and cooked , why not other types of peas? Worth a try?

    1. You know, you are right. Canning and the preparation of the food before you get there does take lots of time. In the past I have put up dried beans and peas but I've not dehydrated them in the dryer. I usually will let the last of the plants dry on the vine and save them for next years seed or put them up to cook over the winter. There's just some things (like peas) that taste SO much better out of the jar!

  12. hi scifi
    i have a large garden too...30 rows of 25 foot each not as big as yours, but almost. i "borrowed" an idea from MMpaints...permaculture... lay down a layer of cardboard or news paper, then cover heavily with organic matter... paints used wood chips, i used grass clippings.. you live in wheat country, so wheat straw would be a good choice.. doing this cuts way down on the water needs, and way..WAY..down on weeding, to the point most of my garden has yet to be hoed this year. talk about a time saver. and the reduced tillage and increased organics will be nothing but good for next year. consider trying it next year.
    'you have bugs?? don't we all...but you also have chickens...train them to run your garden...they LOVE bugs..if they seem too unruley, consider getting a few ducks..they are great buggers, and hold closer to their roosts, so less chance of them running off.
    gardening is a life long learning matter how long i have been doing it, i am forever learning something new or better.
    love your blog..keep up the good work

  13. extron I've been watching MM's progress this year with her Back to Eden garden. It seems to be doing quite well so far. I sure could handle the water savings aspect! And weeding is pretty high on the list of things I hate to do. I'm definitely wanting to find mulching materials and am thinking that next year will be much better.

    As for the bug thing, I've been thinking about letting the chickens out. Long story but the chickens we first got came from the neighbor. Mars built a coop and a pen for them to keep them in cause when they got out they would just go "home" to where they were before. I'm still trying to figure out how to go about letting them out and having them actually stay here. And I'm also scared that they will go out in the garden and wreck havoc. I've got so much to learn!! LOL!

  14. Your gardens are an inspiration for me! I couldn't imagine having all those rows of home grown goodness; but I'm sure that there was a point where even YOU couldn't imagine it either! :) It's great to be able to see your hard work and time spent in the gardens paying off, it must be very satisfying to look over your gardens, see the canned harvest and say to yourself, "Yup, we did this.". Good job!
