
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Canning Guides for the Beginner

It's that time of the year!  Canning season!  I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it is to see shining rows of home canned foods lined up in your pantry. I remember my grandmother canning every year.  I was just to young at the time to be of much help with it.  Unless of course you count the hundreds and hundreds of peas we shelled on the back porch in the evenings.  
I didn't learn to can until about four years ago.  I'll admit I was a bit nervous and not quite sure where to start.  I had tons of questions and searched for answers everywhere.  My friend kymber and I found an on-line canning class and became "canning buddies".   I've learned a lot since then for sure!  But it would have been nice to have had a straightforward and easy to understand guide that answered my many questions.   I was thrilled when I found out that Patrice from Rural Revolution had written three awesome EBooks that covered most any question a person might have on the wonderful "art" of canning.  Simple, straightforward and easy to understand guides which are also easy on the pocketbook. 
If you have ever wanted to learn to can or have just been thinking about it but don't know where to start I highly recommend you check these out. I especially like the Canning FAQ's. 
 I've included the descriptions below.  Here's the link to this great bunch of books.Thanks Patrice for putting these great books together!!

Introduction to Water-Bath Canning

A comprehensive beginner’s guide to water-bath canning. It covers procedure, equipment, altitude adjustment, and safety tips. In addition, the reader is walked through detailed instructions on canning applesauce, peaches/pears, and tomatoes, all lavishly illustrated with photographs.
Introduction to Pressure Canning
A comprehensive beginner’s guide to pressure canning. It covers procedure, equipment, altitude adjustment, and safety tips. In addition, the reader is walked through detailed instructions on canning chicken breasts, green beans, and split pea soup, all lavishly illustrated with photographs.
Canning FAQs: 100 Basic Questions about Canning
A comprehensive beginner’s guide to canning, addressing 100 of the most common questions. Publication covers Basic Information, Equipment, Water-Bath Canning, Pressure Canning, Heat Sources and Alternate Equipment, Troubleshooting, and Miscellaneous Information. Special attention is paid to safety procedures.


  1. i loved being your canning buddy but you got me beat by many miles! this year however will be the year of the Manor's crazy canning adventures - woohoo! i am even going to can some of the trout that jambaloney catches! and Patrice's books are really worthwhile! awesome post there, Sci gurl!

    your friend,

  2. I believe the real trouble is when canning none acidic foods. Back in the late 40's I remember going to my Grandma's basement and getting my favorite canned cherries. I also talked my Dad into trading Heinz ketchup for my grandma's home made. Later it was my Dad's sister who made the ketchup.

  3. Those are great ebooks! I wrote about them on my blog too. Worth every dime.
