
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Preservitis- A New Disorder Identified?

(Re-post from 2010)

There is a newly recognized disorder that has come to the attention of folks across the country.  Although this disorder has been around for many years, it now has an identifiable name. That name is Preservitis. Symptoms include, but are not limited to the uncontrollable urge to can, dehydrate, freeze or otherwise preserve every fruit and vegetable that come across the path of the affected individual.  This disorder may become more intense as the summer season winds to a close.  Person's with this affliction have also been known to try unconventional recipes so as to save every known part of said fruits and vegetables.

   There is no known cure for this disorder at this time.  The prescribed treatment is to let the symptoms run their course.  To alleviate symptoms, it is recommended to allow the affected individuals to pursue their urges to can, dehydrate freeze foods until the symptoms have dissipated.  It appears that once they have found that all fruits and vegetables have been attended to, the affected individuals return to a semi-normal state of mind. Studies have shown that symptoms will usually ease off as the summer winds to a close.  

WARNING-  In most patients these urges WILL return year after year. Researchers believe that Preservitis will become more prevalent as society begins to sense a growing need for self-sustained living.


  1. Oh HELP - I also have this affliction!

    No cure - well, then I'll just have to grin and bear it :)

  2. Yikes, I have this affliction, too!

    Oh well, I don't mind and I'm happy to have it.

    1. I'm pretty good with it too! How are your tomato's?

    2. We started some tomatoes in April and all have failed. I think it was too cold even in the greenhouse. I need to get more seeds started ASAP if we are to have a garden this year. You?

  3. Ladies, I think we might just have an epidemic!!!

  4. Maybe we should start a support group! Just take two spoons of home made jelly and call me when it's over!

  5. I have it too - and I also can meat!
    A support group sounds lovely :)

    1. LOL a support group might just be the ticket!

  6. Oh gee well I think it is fun so what does that say about me and what I do for fun. There is nothing better than seeing my pantry filled with food I preserved. Not to mention emptying the cupboard where I store the empty jars. That is nice feeling too.
    But in the winter opening a nicely preserved jar of summer is the best.

    1. Girl, there cant be much more of a wonderful fuzzy feeling than seeing all those cans either being full or waiting to be for that matter!
      There's something that makes your heart "smile" to open up fresh veggies in the middle of December!

  7. My squash and zucchini plants have gone kablooey - they usually do, don't they - and I am going to blanch and freeze every single one we don't use. It will fill my freezer, but I don't care b/c I want it all through the winter. It is so good in everything and I miss it when it is cold.

    I like the line about canning every part of the fruit and vegetable. My friends would look at me weird when I mentioned how good my Grandmother's pickled watermelon rind was. They didn't understand why someone would eat that until they tasted it. It is so darn good. I miss it, but unless my watermelon plant produces more than one or two then I won't be canning my own. Sigh.

    1. I just love that you are growing things Skippy! There's nothing like good veggies in the winter time.

      Oh and pickled watermelon rind is AWESOME!!! If you get one watermelon to eat this year its not like you are out much... and saved 6 bucks too!!

  8. I only hope I can catch this and keep it under control. ;o)
    It's just Bacon and Eggs... How bad can you mess that up?
    Obviously this person never met me. 30+ years of marriage and I can still mess up breakfast!
    Found you from K's blog. Think I'll follow along. Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Glad to have you along for the ride LindaG!

  9. How funny! It could be worse!!!!!!

  10. Sci,

    Hey Girlie, I hope you and hubby are well. Please be careful today, storms all over the place with potential tornadoes. Catch you later!

    1. Hey Sandy, we missed most of last nights storms. Most went right around us. I was hoping we would get a good rain out of it but.... Anyway, there's another round of storms moving in tonight. Maybe we can get lucky and get a good rain and no high winds or hail. You take care out your way too. Looks like we are both gonna be getting some.

  11. I think it is hereditary! Me, my siblings, my parents (Yes, both of them.), both sets of grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and on into the distant past.

    I also have incredible urges to stir the dirt and plant things. I wonder if they are related or if one is a symptom of the other.

    1. You know Judy.... this might take a little more investigation. I think there could very well be a link to the dirt stirring!!!
