
Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's Coming, Are you Ready?

I've been sick the past few days and have yet again neglecting blogging.  I haven't even felt like sitting at the computer to read. Besides, other than the blogs I love to follow, all I can see in the news makes me even sicker.  We are coming into troubling times and if you aren't getting ready for them or don't see the need to.... all I can say is "Good Luck".   Cause you are goin' to need it!

 Lots of folks in this country are already starting to feel the pinch. It's getting harder and harder to make that paycheck go as far as it used to.  If you think things are tough now, I suggest you buckle up tight and hang on folks. The rising price of gas in this country is getting ready to skyrocket and with it will come the rise of most if not all commodities.  Of course our "Commander" in Chief is telling us there is nothing he can do about it, there is no "magic pixie dust or magic wand" (his words not mine) and that it will be a LONG time before we may see prices go down.  Yeah, ok...  What I get from that is that gas ISN'T going down and we might as well suck it up and deal with it.

When gas prices rise that dramatically you can be sure that the price of everything that is not locally produced is going to rise.  The cost to transport things across the country will naturally be passed on to us.  Food, clothing, household goods etc...  You name it.  It's got to go up. 

If there is anyway in the world possible I would suggest that you start spending every dime that you can possibly squeeze out and start doubling your prepping efforts. Fill up the "holes" in your preps while you can still afford to.  If you aren't a prepper, well.... you might wanna hurry up and start.  Things are getting ready to get real hairy in this country and if you aren't ready then you are going to miss the bus.  Shoot you won't even be able to afford a ticket....

                               ~~~~~~  Hey ... I'm Just Sayin' ...  ~~~~~~


  1. good time to fill the holes in your preps as it gives one a more solid base to travel lifes road easier.,


    1. Exactly Wildflower! No better time than the present, especially since we know its all going to creep even higher.

  2. I like to eat way too much NOT to prep! Call me crazy, but that's a habit I don't want to break!

    Those of us on a fixed income can certainly tell something is headed down the road in our direction!

    Take care, my friend!

    1. Same here Jim. $$ sure isn't going as far as it was even a month ago.

  3. I'm doing my part.:)

    1. Yep! We've all got to do all we can, that's for sure!

  4. We started seriously looking at our food storage and ability to provide for ourselves a few years ago when my husband lost his job. We've even moved out of town and bought a few acres so we have more ability to expand if we need to. My hubby has still been unable to find full time employment but having him around the house helps with our ability to provide for ourselves- especially since I work out of the home.
    We are able to provide much of our own needs but I have seen those prices at the grocery store keep creeping up and I'm so glad we've got plenty in stock.

    Oh, and I usually try to not make political comments at all- but I really want a "none of the above" option for this election.

    1. We,too, have been trying for a few years to get things "together". Since we moved out here last year though it has pretty much been full steam ahead and have moved from the planning to the doing. Still have much more to do but we are getting there. I'd like to be more prepared but we can only do what we can do.
      Sounds like you guys are doing great!

  5. I think that in order to get the mainstream citizens into the right mindset to prepare for a "disaster" (financial, natural, political, etc.) that it's going to have to come in the form of a Media Show or somehow become "fashionable" to do so. I have so many friends, and even some family, that just don't get it. Head in the sand. But if there's a sale at the FancyPants store or a Celebrity kicks the bucket, they are all into it. Every year it gets harder & harder to stretch DH's paycheck, but I'm really, REALLY trying to cut down on non-essential stuff (say, like internet connection??? A gal has to have SOME vice, right???) just in order to keep "level" with what we're used to.

    Guess I should get off the computer & start those seedlings, hugh?!

    1. By the time there is a "mainstream show" I've got a feeling its going to be just a bit to late for many. OK I've just GOT to ask...what the heck is FancyPants? Can you tell I don't get out much?? LOL
      As for the internet, I'll be honest. Since we don't have TV or go out and "do" anything, it will probably be one of our last "luxuries" to go. I'll miss it but I don't want to miss it just yet! hehehe

    2. LOL! FancyPants is just a name that came to my head because for the life of me I couldn't quickly think of the name of a high-end department store! :)

      We're on the same wavelength when it comes to the TV, no Netflix or movies or much going this IS my entertainment! I wonder what I would give up instead if it ever came down to it. Running water? Indoor plumbing??

  6. I got the 100 gallon fuel tank on the RV filled up with diesel. Jeep is full of gas. Don't have any way to store any extra.

    1. Good deal Dizzy. That must have cost a pretty penny to fill the RV but its good that it's done now. We don't have any real fuel storage either but it's "on the list".

  7. It might be my nature to be positive, or I look at a pile of manure and think there must be a pony around somewhere. But this is a great opportunity to spread the word on prepping. My Dad seems to be getting it after seeing the prices rise. He got the RV all topped off before gas went up to badly and is looking for an every day carry pistol. Or perhaps it's the difference in my attitude that I'm ready and the other kds are not and he sees that they keep asking for "loans" and I have can take care of myself and I bring less than half the money of the other kids.
    Don't get bummed even though food and fuel are going up. Many other hard goods are going down. For instance I'll be getting a Walk in Greenhouse at Big Lots for $50.00 and my last major purchase is wood stove, Stove pipe and 10 cords of mill ends and I should have that all bought by August buying one item every couple of months. In Oct. I'll get installed for winter.
    I believe all hell is going to break loose but I am also certain the sun is going to come up everyday and life will go on.

    1. I think you definitely have the right attitude.

  8. Walmart just raised the prices on ammo yesterday. Gas rose 12 cents in less than 10 hours. And this is just the beginning.
    Better get off the computer and rearrange the pantry, get the garden started, and can some more meat, beans, etc.

    1. I've been seeing the prices on most good rising steadily here too. We have been getting the garden ready, and a few things in the ground.
      I really should can some beans. Thanks for reminding me!

  9. Sci, I agree totally with your post. The average middle class and lower class people are the ones that will suffer price increases on food, gas, clothes, protection, animal care and health care. Everyone, top off your gas tanks, try to store extra gas, consolidate your ventures out with your vehicle and walk when ever possible to conserve the gas. There are areas already charging 4, 5 or greater for a gallon of gas.
    Tings can be done to help the people of this country, it just needs to be done. Obviously it won't be done this year. I'm going to stop right now before I really get on my high horse about politics.

    1. And I totally agree with your comment! We are looking at some troublesome times and all need to be doing everything they can to try and make things a bit easier, at least for awhile.

  10. Excellent advice. The more we're squeezed at the gas pump, the more we're squeezed in every other aspect as folks try to compensate for the gas pump squeeze. The price of just about everything goes up, making it harder and harder to squeeze more dimes out of those pennies!

    1. Shoot, I've been trying to figure out how to squeeze more out of the pennies! LOL!
      Unless we get a handle on gas prices, other things will HAVE to go up. Most everything that comes to us comes by truck. And that takes fuel. Thanks for stopping by today!

  11. Prices have been going up quite drastically for the last few years yet we keep adapting to them. I see no reason why this won't continue. No matter how prepared you are--you could have a years worth of food and gas--but if what you think actually happens, a year won't help you much if you don't know how to adapt and live without. If you want to really prep--learn more about self sufficiency. Garden more, raise more animals, make more things--learn more.

    1. Becky, you are so right. We have all had to adapt as the economy continues to tank. I often wonder what alot of preppers will do when their supplies run out. Many think that just stocking stuff up is enough. It isn't. Like you say, eventually "stuff" runs out and folks need to be able to take care of themselves. As for myself, well, we are sure working on our skill levels and are at least have a decent start on self sufficiency.
      Thanks for stopping in!

  12. Kinda sad to have to say I told you so to the doubters. There are only two families in our neighborhood who plant gardens and one of them is us. I would just ask everyone to be nice to the employees in the grocery store cause they dont set the prices. My hubby works in a grocery store and you wouldnt believe the customers who come in and start yelling about the prices. Now that gas is going up it will become worse I'm sure. Dont be surprised if Iraq tells us that they will not send us any oil either. They did it to England and France what's to stop them from doing it to us as well. World's becoming crazier.

    1. Denise, it IS sad. And folks are getting antsy. I don't go to town often but when I do I can see how folks are more "crazy" than they used to be.
      Your poor hubby! I don't understand why people always want to shoot the messenger.

  13. Whatever this crud is that's going around, has hit just about everyone I know. I have one daughter than takes joy in teasing the rest of us that she Never gets sick...even she got it this time.

    Personally, I've been taking Afrin to clear the sinuses, ibuprophen for the headaches, throat lozenges for sore throats, and a fourth med I can't even remember right now cause I'm so groggy.

    Hope you feel better soon. But you are right, the rough times are coming. It's nothing new to you and me though. We've been blogging about this for some time now. Our freezers are packed with frozen goodies, our rafters with mylar bags of dehydrated/freeze dried foods.

    I guess we're focusing on skill sets and real world practice. We just camped out in the backyard this weekend to make sure all our camping gear worked (propane stoves, etc). Found out our tent had been damaged from direct sunlight shining through our shed window and our 10 gallon water jug's spigot is M.I.A.

    Keep blogging along. Wifey and I love to visit you.

    1. You know it seems I've been blogging about this for years, and now it looks like it has "begun". Sometimes I feel as though I've been preaching to the choir though. No matter...

      It's great that you did the camping thing. Bummer about the tent and the water jug. The good thing is that you know NOW and not later on though.
      It's good to see you around again OJD! Thanks for the well wishes.

  14. I've got five years of grain stored in nitrogen, canned fruits and veggies and dried game in the freezer. I can supplement that fishing and hunting if need be. I'm too close to the city, if it gets bad, the food gets loaded into truck and or tailwheel airplane and we have a place further out stocked for two years, including water and heat source, we are considered family at, and have a place to stay. I can land in the pasture, teaching how to do carrier landings does have it's perks.
