
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Game Day

Today was a big day for me. It is one of the few days each year that I will sit down (sort of) and watch college football. Let me just say that I am now and always have been a HUGE University of Texas football fan. I grew up with UT football. But today was different.  It marks the very first time I have watched the University of Texas and University of Oklahoma play in a state other than Texas.  (Me, not the game ) Unfortunately, that state happened to be Oklahoma!  And to top it off, my team lost. Big time!  The consolation prize was ok though. Mushroom bought a case of Samuel Adams to wash down the hurt!  It helped of course, but loosing the game AND being in Oklahoma to nurse my wounds was still  bit painful.  I'm sure I will live, but not without a bit of a sting to the ego!

Final Score   University of  Oklahoma  28
                     University of Texas          20

                                  ~~Hey... I'm Just Sayin'...~~


  1. Sorry. I football team Collingwood won the grandfinal yesterday last time was 1990. Cheers Charmaine

  2. Sorry. I football team Collingwood won the grandfinal yesterday last time was 1990. Cheers Charmaine

  3. There's always next year. I'll save my pennies. :D

